Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Crafty Hands for a Neat Creation

Here is a bear flower designed balloon that Israel Lema pieced together. Although this designed has not been taught to the class yet, clown class veteran, Mr. Lema, has combined a number of designs that he was shown with multiple balloons in order to form this neat creation. As of now, the little bit that I have learned and been exposed to is relatively easy and does not require a high concentration as it did before. However, a complex creation like this can clearly serve to show others the kind of art that clowning can be. Balloon inflating and tying, as a whole, does indeed require  much discipline and focus whether it be in using a pump, tying the knots, or even twisting and tying the design into what it will become. I like making creations out of balloons for the kind of art that it can be and by the end of this month I look forward to being able to shape such complex designs as this one depicted and many more.

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